What is this sitio, anyway? by Sónia Morais Santos
I have received many messages asking various things about my new office: where it is, how it works, if there are others to rent, if there are smaller ones, larger ones, if there are coworking spaces, etc, etc, etc. read more
sitio organized webinar about cowork
sitio was present at the 10th Entrepreneurship Week in Lisbon, promoted by Made of Lisboa, with the organization of a webinar about coworking spaces. read more
gastronomy and spectacle at the table with The MAD Kitchen
three entrepreneurs create a new catering company that organizes gastronomic and sensory experiences with a touch of madness. read more
the future of workspaces is flexible
companies are increasingly looking for more flexible, versatile workspaces adaptable to current business practices and enhancing team productivity. read more
sitio created private office spaces with an industrial style
the new 2000 m² space opened a year ago in Alto de São João. read more