workspaces and work dynamics are changing, and large, medium, and small companies know this. some look to sitio for access to our network of shared spaces, including working and living solutions. managing spaces is our core knowledge, making them come to life our passion. as most larger companies work similarly to coworks, with different teams, privacy and socializing issues, offices, open spaces, kitchens, and always having facility problems… some companies look for us to conceive, design, build and manage their workspaces, given our experience in this industry. the goal is to make the process efficient and the team productive.
the advantages of our solutions are clear: as a large network of shared spaces, we can offer you access to unique locations with all the amenities and services necessary for your company to fully function. our spaces’ dynamics, central locations, and good transport connections in the cities of Lisbon and Porto, mean they can be a strong attracting feature for professionals looking for a modern environment and easy mobility in their daily lives.
but, if you are looking for an independent space suitable for your company that boosts productivity and creativity, our experienced team of architects and designers can create an office from the ground up that suits your business needs. the hustle of managing it, and all its concerns are up to us.